Monday, September 28, 2015

Here Comes October.....

5 -  6:30 PM School Board Meeting (WG Library)
12 -6:00-7:30 PM Special Education Parent Advisory Council (WG Library)
14- CONFERENCES P/T Conferences - Grades 4-12, 12:30-3:30 / 4:30-7:30P
20- CONFERENCES P/T Conferences - Grades 4-12, 4:40-7:30P
23- 6:00 PM Fun Night (DC)
30- NO SCHOOL No Students / No Staff

It's officially fall and the school year is in full swing;  as is assessment season.  Our students are taking part in the MAP (Measures of Annual Progress) test which assesses their grade level skills in Math and Reading as well as the Math Predictor and Writing Prompts.   Our 4th and 5th graders are taking part in the Fountas and Pinnell leveled reader assessments, and teachers are administering formative assessments in their classrooms.  This is A LOT of assessing - it is essential for our teachers to best know the students as learners and have the opportunity to personalize their learning as much as possible.

As the calendar dates note above there are some important dates coming up in October.  Our Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on the 14th and 20th.  Deer Creek Fun Night, in partnership with the Recreation Department, with offer a night for families to come out and participate in activities in gym building including games, a bounce house, and snacks.  The cost is $1.00 per person.  Students MUST be accompanied by a parent to attend.  There is no school on October 30th.

School starts at 7:50 am here at DC.  Students who are late to school must check-in at the main office.  Multiple tardies are equivalent to unexcused absence.  Please make every effort to have your student to school on time.
We offer our breakfast program in the cafeteria beginning at 7:45 am.  Tuesdays and Thursdays we have hot breakfast offerings.

The school nurse is available from 1:30 to 2:30 Monday through Thursday.  Nursing services outside of these hours are for emergency situations only.

As always, feel free to contact us at 414-482-8400 to answer any questions!

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