Friday, December 13, 2013

The WINTER BREAK begins with the conclusion of school next Friday.  Students return to school on JANUARY 6th.  Enjoy your time with family and friends!!
PROGRESS REPORTS will be sent home with students next Wednesday in the take home.  If you cannot locate your child's progress reports please contact the main office and we will provide an additional copy.

The cold weather is upon us.  Parents, please remind your students to have their weather appropriate clothing available.  Coats, hats, mittens, gloves, snow pants and boots are essential to stay warm and healthy during times outside before and after school and at recess.  The decision for inside or outside activities is made daily based on the weather reports (temperature and wind chill) so it is better to have an not need!

Friday, December 6, 2013

The reviews are in for the Standing Room Only Deer Creek Band and Choir concert held last evening in the Deer Creek Gym!  The critics rate is as a "must see event for the whole community!"

Thanks to Ms. Lewis and our Saint Francis Music Staff.  Thanks to all of the students who worked so hard to put on an excellent performance.  Thanks to Ms. Tupy, Mr. Piper, and the Deer Creek staff members who assisted with the event.  Thanks to all of the parents, families, and district staff and community members for assisting and  attending.  Extra Special Thanks to the many who may have been forgotten in these thank yous!

Monday, December 2, 2013

An interesting read about the Common Core State Standards....

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) provide a practical way to prepare children for the challenges of a constantly changing world – by learning step-by-step the real-world skills they need for career and college.

Wisconsin continues to move forward now so that all children – no matter where they come from or where they live – receive a world-class education that’s consistent from school to school, and graduate ready to contribute to the future of our state and our country.

Wisconsin is putting these standards to work, using them as the foundation for remodeling our education system. The standards keep the best of what we have, and placing a clear focus on the key knowledge and skills students need, and provide teachers the time to teach them well .With the clear goals of career and college readiness for all, the Common Core State Standards will help us to better prepare our students to succeed on pace with their school aged peers across the state and the nation.

Preparing Students for Career and College
Goal – all students graduating from our public school system as life- long learners will have the skills and knowledge necessary to assume their positions in the 21st century global economy.

§  The new standards are designed to be relevant in the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills students need for success in both higher education and career.
§  Our communities will be stronger if students graduate with the skills and knowledge needed in today’s job market.

Will There Be New Tests for the New Standards?

Yes, Wisconsin will be implementing the SMARTER Balanced Assessment protocol). The SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) is developing new tests that will measure student progress toward career and college readiness.

Transitioning to the CCSS: What Parents and Guardians Can Do Now
Parents and guardians are crucial partners in laying the groundwork for a smooth transition to the new standards. Parents and guardians can:

§  Learn about the CCSS and how your school district is implementing.
§  Talk to the principal about the school’s CCSS plan to learn what is different about these new standards and what remains the same for children.
§  Attend a board and/or community meeting to discuss district goals.
§  Meet with your child’s teacher to discuss what your child will be learning over the coming year and how classroom instruction aligns to the CCSS.
§  Play an active role in your child’s education at home. If you notice your child is struggling in a certain area, consult with his or her teacher to identify strategies and resources that might be helpful.
§  Educate other parents about the transition to the CCSS.
§  Explore opportunities to become actively involved in the Common Core transition through your state and local Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).

Welcome back!  I hope that all had an enjoyable and relaxing break.  As we return to the swing of things please take a look at some important dates and times:

Thursday, December 5th: Band and Choir Concert at Deer Creek - 7 pm.

Monday, December 9th:  Progress reports will be completed by teachers.  Look for Progress Reports with the Wednesday TAKE HOME.

Wednesday, December 11th: STUDENT HALF DAY - all levels.

Friday, December 20th is the last day of classes before the Winter Holiday.