Friday, January 16, 2015


Semester 1 comes to an end next Thursday with no student attendance on Friday, January 23rd.  As we move forward into semester 2 I'd like to share a few reminders.

  • We are in the heart of the cold weather season so its very important that our students have warm clothing including jackets, coats, hats, and boots.  Recess will take place outdoors as long as the temperature is at or above 10 degrees Fahrenheit (windchill factor is calculated in the temperature).
  • School starts at 7:50 am.  Staff are on duty beginning at 7:40 am.  During cold weather, students are brought inside before school, however, staff must be on duty to supervise students.
  • Visitors to school must enter through the main office, sign in, and receive a visitor's pass.  We welcome our families to visit us at school, however, to ensure safety and security for all we must follow our visitor's protocol.  
  • Student Dress:  Please remember that hats in school, pajamas (tops or bottoms), slippers,  or shirts with any message disruptive to learning are not allowed per the student handbook.  
  • Electronics:  Cell phones, tablets, Ipods, and other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom.  Students will be asked to put them away in their locker.  For repeat offenses, students will be ask to turn the device over to their teacher or remand it to the office until the end of the school day.  Parents may be asked to come to the DC office to collect devices.
Newsletter and Parent Surveys

Next Wednesday in the take homes, parents will receive the Newsletter for the month of January as well as a hard copy of the student survey available online.  We are closer to our completion goal but still need 30 more parents to complete our survey.  PLEASE help us out with your valuable feedback by completing the survey and returning it with your student.