Monday, February 10, 2014

Our Kids Will Attend School on February 20th

Due to the challenging winter temperatures the Saint Francis School District needed to close the doors to our facilities to ensure the safety of our children and families.  The closure of our schools brought forth a need to re-consider our academic calendar to make sure to meet the educational needs of our children.  After consideration of many options and the impact each one might have on our students, families and community members the following decision(s) were made collaboratively with our District Leadership and the Board of Education. 

February 20, 2014 is now a full student day and February 21, 2014 has been identified as a Teacher Professional Development day.  

The guiding beliefs regarding this decision are as follows:

 The District values our students engaging in meaningful learning activities with our teachers.

Four (4) canceled days of school will have an impact on student learning, growth and achievement at all levels.

The District will remain flexible with students and families who purposefully made medical appointments with the mid-winter break in mind.

February 20th will be a meaningful and a purposeful day of learning for our students and February 21st will be planned to best assist in moving School District improvement initiatives forward.