Tuesday, June 2, 2015


·         Early Release EVERY WEDNESDAY - The 2015-2016 calendar will include early release at all schools each and every Wednesday.
·         All students will be released one (1) hour early each Wednesday beginning September 9th .
·         There are also two half-days for parent teacher conferences – these days vary by school.
·         The 2015-2016 school calendar will be posted in the near future.
·          Beyond the Bell - The District Recreation Department will be providing supervised day care for students at Willow Glen and Deer Creek until the normal release time for those parents in need of child supervision on early release Wednesdays. This program will bridge to the YMCA after-school care at Willow Glen and the new YMCA afterschool care at Deer Creek. A sign-up for “Beyond the Bell” will occur during school registration in August 2015. The cost of “Beyond the Bell” for Session One (September 9th - January 20th) will be $48/student. The cost of “Beyond the Bell” Session Two (January 27th - June 8th) will be $54/student. Sign-up and payment will be made at school registration for Session One. Sign-up and payment will be made at school registration for Session Two by December 22. “Beyond the Bell” cannot be pro-rated, as we need to staff the child supervision program appropriately.
·         YMCA Programming at Deer Creek - The YMCA has expanded before and after school day care to Deer Creek Intermediate School. For program information, call 414-374-9437 or wsmsf@ymcamke.org. For billing and registration information, call 414-274-0759, or schoolage@ymcamke.org.
·         Willow Glen and Deer Creek Shuttle Service - There will no longer be a morning shuttle service due to low ridership/interest, as well as, cost. The after school shuttle service is available as pay for use only. Students can use the shuttle service once payment is made to the District. Ridership for September 2nd through January 21st will cost $25/student or $50/family. Ridership for January 25th through June 9th will cost $25/student or $50/family. Payment must be made before ridership occurs and cannot be pro-rated per day and is non-transferable to other riders. Sign-up and payment will be made at registration through the Recreation Department. If you have any questions please contact Mr. John Kloppenburg at 482-8486.

·         If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your School Principal or Superintendent: Willow Glen Principal Mrs. Laurie Pogorzelski (414) 486-6310 Deer Creek Principal Mr. Guy Powell (414) 482-8410 SFHS Principal Mr. Andrew Muszytowski (414) 747-3610 SFSD Superintendent Dr. John W. Thomsen (414) 747-3910