Friday, March 28, 2014

Breakfast Program - 2nd Call


Beginning in the month of April we will be piloting breakfast service in the lunch room.  Students who are taking breakfast will enter through the outer lunch room door (the same door they go out for recess time) and taking and eating their breakfasts in the lunch room.
Breakfast will be served from 7:45 am until 7:57 am and the students will then transition to class.  Supervision will be present in the lunch room and to assist with the transition.
We are taking a look at this option for the following reasons:

·        To offer students hot breakfast options during the week
·        To dedicate time specifically to the morning meal separately from instructional time in the                      classroom
·        To minimalize the many tasks students need to partake in the classroom in the morning (putting              coats away, gathering classroom materials, preparing for class)

This program is a PILOT.  We will assess its effectiveness as we go along to see if it will be of benefit to our students moving forward.  There will be bumps as we go and we will manage them as we implement the program. 
If you have any questions regarding this pilot breakfast program please call Mr. Powell in the office at 414-482-8410.