Friday, November 18, 2016

Great Things at DC

State Report Cards:
Deer Creek received an overall score of 72.7 on the State Report Cards released today.  We are proud of our growth as a school (our overall score on our last report card was 70.0).  It has been our goal to Exceed Expectations and we took a huge stride with this year's growth.  A score of 73.0 indicates Exceeding Expectations and we are on our way!

McTeacher's Night
Thanks to all of the staff, students, friends, and family who participated in last night's McTeacher's event at the Bay View McDonald's located at KK and Potter.  A great time was had by all!  Funds raised go toward our school's PBIS initiative.

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Next Week is a Short Week
We will have regularly scheduled classes on Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday through Friday is Thanksgiving Break.  Have a safe and wonderful time with friends and family!

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Friday, November 11, 2016

Quarter 2

Quarter 2 is off and running!  Thanks to our students, families, and staff for a great first quarter of excellent teaching and learning!

Look for quarter 1 report cards next week.  The goal is to have report cards out on Wednesday.

Parents: Remember that your student's teachers can be available any time to discuss grades, assignments, and concerns.  You need not wait until Parent/Teacher conference dates. Communication between home and school is the key to successful learning!

The Fall weather season is here.  Time to break out the warmer coats, hats, mittens, and gloves. Students will have outdoor recess as long as the temperature is above 10 Degrees!

November 11th: Popcorn Sale
November 21: Parent Advisory Council in the DC Library @ 5:30 pm
November 23-25th: No School: Thanksgiving Break

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016


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For Your Calendar:
November 3rd:  5th Grade Wax Museum in the DC Library @ 4 pm
November 4th: Last Day of Quarter One
November 5th: Grades K4-2 Basketball Registration in DC gym @ 9 am
November 11th: Popcorn Sale
November 21: Parent Advisory Council in the DC Library @ 5:30 pm
November 23-25th: No School: Thanksgiving Break

Family Fun Night took place on Thursday, October 27th.  Hundreds of students and parents took part in an outstanding event.  May thanks to all who attended and all who made it happen.  Special Thanks to our PTO for providing concessions for the event.  Check out pictures on Twitter @ dc_principal or on the DC website:
The falls season has shown us that all weather is possible.  We've had 45 degree days, 70 degree days, lots of rain, and lots of wind.  Please remember to have your student ready for all weather - it's time to break out the hats, mittens, boots, and rain gear!
The second quarter begins on Monday, November 7th.  A great chance for a fresh start or to continue success!  Best of luck to all of our students!
The DC CHESS CLUB meets every Monday after School in the DC library.  All students are welcome!
Each Month every grade level at DC has a chance to win the Silver Spoon or Silver Sneaker award based on lunchroom and recess behavior including keeping the space clean, being respectful to one another and the supervisory staff, and maintaining a safe and fun lunch and recess environment.
Each month students who display the traits of being a FRIEND, a LEARNER, and a LEADER are recognized as our Charger Champions.  Student photos are displayed on the bulletin board in our Commons area and posted on Twitter @lifeatDC

Follow us on Twitter @lifeatDC - a new twitter account focused on all the great things happening at Deer Creek!