Tuesday, December 22, 2015




                 Image result for Holiday Season  Image result for Holiday Season

Friday, December 18, 2015

DC's Homepage: Your One Stop Shop for Information

If you haven't, please check out our web page located at:


From there you can access all of the district information, the most up to date calendar of events, THIS blog, my monthly newsletter, and a live feed from twitter for information on all of our cool DC happenings in real time. On the left hand side bar you can find updated lunch menus, the web pages of the grade level teams, and the staff directory.

If you need information on what's happening at DC - the Homepage is the place to find it!


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Big Happenings at DC!

Hour of Code
Computer science opens more doors for students than any other discipline in today’s world. Learning even the basics will help students in virtually any career—from architecture to zoology. Just as we teach students how to dissect a frog, or how electricity works, it’s important for every 21st century student to have a chance to “dissect an app,” or learn how the Internet works.

Students in 7th and 8th grade joined the global movement that is reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ counties by participating in the Hour of Code.   Students learned code by learning to program droids, and creating their own Star Wars game in a galaxy far, far, away.

Look for the rest of Deer Creek to complete their Hour of Code after the Holiday Break.

You too can  join the Hour of Code movement by checking out http://code.org or http://hourofcode.com.

DC Students taking part in Hour of Code


Saturday the DC Chargers Dance Team took part in a HUGE dance competition in  Watertown.   The girls competed in kick and jazz and placed first in both!  The middle school team also took overall high score and best choreography.   The next competition is January 9th in Menomonee Falls.  Our on the spot reporter noted, "It was pretty amazing to watch!"

Image result for Dance
Image result for Dance

Friday, December 4, 2015

First Week of December

For Your Calendar....

December 7th: 6:30 PM School Board Meeting (HS Library)

December 7th: ELL ACCESS Testing Window Begins

December 10th: 7:00 PM  Deer Creek Band / Choir Winter Concert  

December 23-31 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK (Dec. 23 to Jan. 4)

Student Supervision

During regular school days staff are not on hand to supervise students until 7:40.  Upon dismissal, staff supervise grounds until 3:20. On Wednesday 2:00 early release days staff are involved in professional development and are not available to supervise students.  Students who are dropped off prior to these times or picked up after these times run the risk of being unsupervised.  Student safety is our top priority - please make every effort to drop off and pick up during the times where we can make sure students are supervised.  If you require extended time for supervised activities for your students the YMCA offers before and after school care at a cost.  Please contact the Recreation Department at 414-482-8484 or 414-482-8486 for details.

Winter Weather

Students will be outside before and after school and during recess as long as the temperature is 10 degrees above zero (Farenheit),  It's time to break out coats, hats and mittens!

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