Tuesday, December 22, 2015




                 Image result for Holiday Season  Image result for Holiday Season

Friday, December 18, 2015

DC's Homepage: Your One Stop Shop for Information

If you haven't, please check out our web page located at:


From there you can access all of the district information, the most up to date calendar of events, THIS blog, my monthly newsletter, and a live feed from twitter for information on all of our cool DC happenings in real time. On the left hand side bar you can find updated lunch menus, the web pages of the grade level teams, and the staff directory.

If you need information on what's happening at DC - the Homepage is the place to find it!


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Big Happenings at DC!

Hour of Code
Computer science opens more doors for students than any other discipline in today’s world. Learning even the basics will help students in virtually any career—from architecture to zoology. Just as we teach students how to dissect a frog, or how electricity works, it’s important for every 21st century student to have a chance to “dissect an app,” or learn how the Internet works.

Students in 7th and 8th grade joined the global movement that is reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ counties by participating in the Hour of Code.   Students learned code by learning to program droids, and creating their own Star Wars game in a galaxy far, far, away.

Look for the rest of Deer Creek to complete their Hour of Code after the Holiday Break.

You too can  join the Hour of Code movement by checking out http://code.org or http://hourofcode.com.

DC Students taking part in Hour of Code


Saturday the DC Chargers Dance Team took part in a HUGE dance competition in  Watertown.   The girls competed in kick and jazz and placed first in both!  The middle school team also took overall high score and best choreography.   The next competition is January 9th in Menomonee Falls.  Our on the spot reporter noted, "It was pretty amazing to watch!"

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Image result for Dance

Friday, December 4, 2015

First Week of December

For Your Calendar....

December 7th: 6:30 PM School Board Meeting (HS Library)

December 7th: ELL ACCESS Testing Window Begins

December 10th: 7:00 PM  Deer Creek Band / Choir Winter Concert  

December 23-31 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK (Dec. 23 to Jan. 4)

Student Supervision

During regular school days staff are not on hand to supervise students until 7:40.  Upon dismissal, staff supervise grounds until 3:20. On Wednesday 2:00 early release days staff are involved in professional development and are not available to supervise students.  Students who are dropped off prior to these times or picked up after these times run the risk of being unsupervised.  Student safety is our top priority - please make every effort to drop off and pick up during the times where we can make sure students are supervised.  If you require extended time for supervised activities for your students the YMCA offers before and after school care at a cost.  Please contact the Recreation Department at 414-482-8484 or 414-482-8486 for details.

Winter Weather

Students will be outside before and after school and during recess as long as the temperature is 10 degrees above zero (Farenheit),  It's time to break out coats, hats and mittens!

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Character Counts at Deer Creek

On Thursday, November 12th we had our Quarter One PBIS celebration and Anti-Bullying/Character Assembly program featuring "Guardian" from the Omega Man Group.  The Omega Man group travels the world sharing a message of good decision making to students.

We set a goal of 1000 student acknowledgements through Deer Creek Dollars for quarter 1.  Our teachers recognized students with nearly 2300 DC Dollar acknowledgements!  As part of our "Success is as easy as Pie when you have CHARACTER" celebration; our Charger Champions got the opportunity to "Pie the Principal" at the conclusion of yesterday's assembly.

We continue our efforts to get the message to our kids that it's essential to do the right thing and treat each other the right way.  Our PBIS celebration and assembly program was an outstanding success!

GUARDIAN of the Omega Man Group

"PIE the Principal"

Friday, November 6, 2015

A Superhero Is Coming to Our School!

A Superhero Is Coming
To Our School
A Top Character Development & Bully Prevention Assembly

One of the members from the Omegaman & Friends school assembly will be presenting their positive Superhero message to our students at Deer Creek Intermediate School on November 12th from 1 pm to 2 pm.

Omegaman & Friends is a very unique school assembly presentation. Their message delivers the Anti-Bullying/Character Development message through a superhero theme.

They challenge students to live a life as a Dream-Maker (making good choices) & not be a Dream-Breaker (making bad choices). They perform feats of strength; such as, snapping a baseball bat & ripping a phone book in half as a tool to illustrate and maintain the attention of our students to ensure that their message is not lost.

Schools across the nation have seen a great increase of BULLYING in their schools.  Deer Creek Intermediate School is taking a proactive stance against this disturbing trend.  Through this assembly, our students will learn how to Identify, Respond, and Prevent bullying in our school, to make sure every student is a H.E.R.O.Helping Everyone Respect Others.

We invite all parents to attend this fun-filled message of character education, motivation, inspiration and hope.  It is one event you will not want to miss.  We appreciate your investment in your child’s life and look forward to seeing you there!

Thank You,
Guy Powell, Principal - Deer Creek Intermediate School

[More information on the Omegaman & Friends presentation, can be found at www.omegamanschools.com]

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Everyone Loves a Little Break!

A reminder that there is NO SCHOOL for students tomorrow, October 30th 2015.

Image result for fall break

Thanks again to all of our parents and family members that participated in Parent/Teacher Conferences.  We had an outstanding turnout!  This reminds us that quarter 1 ends on NOVEMBER 4th.  Grades will be entered by November 11th and report cards will follow shortly after.

Our Parent Advisory Council Meeting for November will be held on the SEVENTEENTH at 5:30 in the DC library.  Please come out as we will be navigating the school website so that parents know exactly where to find the hottest news and happenings at DC!

Image result for Parent advisory council

Enjoy a safe 3 day weekend!

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Friday, October 23, 2015


DC Students participated in Unity Day on Wednesday, October 21st.  Students dressed in orange and at 1 pm gathered around the track to form a Unity Circle.

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Week Ending October 16th

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thanks to all of our parents/guardians/students and families for a great night of conferences.  We had world record attendance!!  Parent/Teacher conferences are the most important piece of the home/school connection for student success! The second conference night is Tuesday, October 20th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm/
Image result for parent teacher conferences
Fun night for families will be October 23rd from 5:30 to 8:00 pm in the DC gym Building.  Tickets will be sold next Monday-Wednesday in the DC cafeteria during lunch and after school. Cost is $1.00 per person.  Concessions will be sold for additional cost.  We will feature swimming, a movie in the little theater, and FOUR inflatables in the gym building.  This is a family event so students must be accompanied by an adult.  It's going to be a great time!  Hope to see you there!

Image result for fun night

October 30th there is no school for students.  Enjoy a long weekend!

Thanks to all for another great week at DC!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Updates for the Week


DC Students Stomp Out Bullying!

Our students showed strong support for our ongoing fight against bullying on Monday by wearing blue shirts for National Bully Awareness Day.  October is National Bullying Awareness Month.  At DC, we focus on Character and address bullying through our PBIS framework.  We will be recognizing Unity Day (Orange Shirt Day) on October 21st.  

Congratulations to our 4th graders for earning the STRONG CHARACTER travelling trophy for October by having the greatest number of students in blue!!


October 14th marks the first round of PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES at DC.  It's VERY IMPORTANT to remember that school let's out at 11:30 on Wednesday, October 14th to accommodate conferences.  This is a different schedule than our regular Wednesday Early Release Days.

Parent/Teacher conferences are a huge piece of ongoing communication on behalf of our kids. Please make every effort to attend when your schedule allows.  Teachers are available 12:30-3:30 and 4:30-7:30.

Friday, October 2, 2015

First October Update

Congratulations to Imani Bennett-La Frenier for being selected to one of the Milwaukee Children's Choir's Premier Performance Groups!  Imani is pictured in the back row next to the gentleman in the black blazer!

Picture Retakes will be OCTOBER 15th from 7:30 until Noon in the DC Library. Look for more information in take homes next week.

Monday October 5th is Stomp Out Bullying Day.  Students and staff are encouraged to wear blue shirts to show support for our anti-bullying efforts!


10 • 5 • 15
Blue Shirt Day®
World Dayof Bullying Prevention
a campaign of


Monday, September 28, 2015

Here Comes October.....

5 -  6:30 PM School Board Meeting (WG Library)
12 -6:00-7:30 PM Special Education Parent Advisory Council (WG Library)
14- CONFERENCES P/T Conferences - Grades 4-12, 12:30-3:30 / 4:30-7:30P
20- CONFERENCES P/T Conferences - Grades 4-12, 4:40-7:30P
23- 6:00 PM Fun Night (DC)
30- NO SCHOOL No Students / No Staff

It's officially fall and the school year is in full swing;  as is assessment season.  Our students are taking part in the MAP (Measures of Annual Progress) test which assesses their grade level skills in Math and Reading as well as the Math Predictor and Writing Prompts.   Our 4th and 5th graders are taking part in the Fountas and Pinnell leveled reader assessments, and teachers are administering formative assessments in their classrooms.  This is A LOT of assessing - it is essential for our teachers to best know the students as learners and have the opportunity to personalize their learning as much as possible.

As the calendar dates note above there are some important dates coming up in October.  Our Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on the 14th and 20th.  Deer Creek Fun Night, in partnership with the Recreation Department, with offer a night for families to come out and participate in activities in gym building including games, a bounce house, and snacks.  The cost is $1.00 per person.  Students MUST be accompanied by a parent to attend.  There is no school on October 30th.

School starts at 7:50 am here at DC.  Students who are late to school must check-in at the main office.  Multiple tardies are equivalent to unexcused absence.  Please make every effort to have your student to school on time.
We offer our breakfast program in the cafeteria beginning at 7:45 am.  Tuesdays and Thursdays we have hot breakfast offerings.

The school nurse is available from 1:30 to 2:30 Monday through Thursday.  Nursing services outside of these hours are for emergency situations only.

As always, feel free to contact us at 414-482-8400 to answer any questions!

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