As we move into the new school year there are a few key pieces of information I wanted to share:
Our breakfast program will be hosted in the lunch room beginning at 7:40 am. Students will enter through the playground doors to the lunch room and pick up their breakfasts and sit at their grade level tables. NEW FOR THIS YEAR: Students who arrive later can take their breakfast "to go" in a prepared bag which they can eat prior to the beginning of school. It is our goal to make sure that every student who needs a morning meal has the opportunity to eat!!
Our theme at Deer Creek is "THIS IS WHO WE ARE" we are making sure that every student is clear on our expectations and that our school is the safest learning environment it can be. During week one of school each classroom will spend extensive time visiting each area of the school to clarify behavior expectations. We encourage and expect our students to:
Check often with your students to discuss what this looks like at DC. We are also implementing our ACT NOW bully prevention program in partnership with Children's Hospital to ensure that classroom lessons are being taught so our students are certain on how to treat one another. We will focus on the STOP, WALK, TALK model that teaches our students to tell a bully or someone who is not treating them as they should be treated to STOP, then to WALK away and to TALK to an adult immediately. There is no time to wait when you are not being treated as you should.
You will receive in the first take home the homework statements from each of your student's teachers so you are positive of what homework looks like in your child's classroom. The PRINCIPAL'S BLOG is linked to the front page of our website and is updated every Friday. A monthly newsletter from the principal will come home and also has a link for an electronic version on our homepage along the right hand side beneath the calendar. A homework page including the classroom homework statements is being developed. Quarterly we will have Parent Advisory Council Meetings which are noted on your district calendars as are Parent/Teacher Conferences.
We look forward to a great year. I am excited to see you all on Tuesday!!